C5. Digital Hub Workshop

C5. Digital Hub WorkshopPublic sessionWorkshop

EDEN dedicates a special Workshop to the European Digital Education Hub (EDEH), a key action of the Digital Education Action Plan 2021-2027 adopted last September to support education and training in their digital transformation journey in the aftermath of the crisis and for recovery.

The European Digital Education Hub responds to the need for reinforced cooperation and dialogue between different stakeholders in the area of digital education. The aim of the European Digital Education Hub is to create a space for exchange and co-operation, information sharing and mapping, and enabling innovation in digital education. Following a strong stakeholder demand, the Hub will offer a cross-sector space and will be community that shares best practices and solutions for digital education. It will support the acceleration and uptake of digital innovation in education.

The Hub will stimulate a dialogue between private and public sectors, and broker information, data, and choices across policies, research, and practices, thus linking top down and bottom up approaches to digital education issues. The Hub will be implemented gradually over time and in a co-creation with stakeholders. This workshop will be an occasion to support the co-creation of the Digital Education Hub and support its implementation.





Anusca Ferrari European Commission
Leonie Bultynck European Commission
Kristel Rillo Growth expert on eGovernance and eEducation
Romina Cachia Researcher at the joint Research Centre
Donatella Solda Director, Future Education Modena
Damien Lanfrey Vice Director - Head of Research, Future Education Modena